The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in the US has issued two final class I disposal well permits for Uranium Energy’s (UEC) Burke Hollow project in South Texas.
The mine permit, aquifer exemption and radioactive material licence applications are in advanced stages of technical review.
According to the company, the submissions will be followed by the first production area authorisation application at the project.
Following receipt of these permits, the company will be able to begin operations at Burke Hollow, its in-situ recovery (ISR) project.
UEC discovered three mineralised trends later in 2012, when it began exploration drilling on the Burke Hollow project during the year.
The project has been expanded to its existing size of almost 20,000 acres.
Alongside the permitting activities, UEC plans to initiate a drilling programme in a bid to delineate projected extensions of previously discovered mineralised trends.
UEC’s fully licenced Hobson processing plant is key to all of its projects in South Texas, which also includes the Palangana ISR mine, the Goliad ISR project, and the development-stage Burke Hollow ISR project.
The company also controls a pipeline of various projects in Arizona, Colorado and Paraguay that are in advanced-stage.