Sustainability is a pressing issue for the mining industry. In this issue we speak to the CEO of Brazilian mining giant Vale’s Technology Institute, Luiz Mello, to find out more about the company’s vision for a sustainable mining industry, and its focus on technological solutions to improve the efficient use of natural resources and to reduce emissions from pollutants.
We also ask Major Drilling about specialist drilling in uncompromising environments, and how the need to find commodities is taking the industry into ever more remote locations. Moreover, as production at South Africa’s mines has suffered setbacks, including strikes and a decline in the operating environment, we assess the risks faced by producers operating in the region.
We speak to Sabine Anderson, who set up her own mining company and is on the board of Women in Mining, about gender equality in the mining industry. We also take a look at operations at the Marikana platinum mine in South Africa and the Renard Diamond project in Canada.
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In this issue
Sustainable Mining
Brazilian mining giant vale focuses on solutions to improve the efficient use of natural resources and reduce emissions. MINE asks Vale’s Technology Institute CEO, Luiz Mello about the company’s vision for a sustainable mining industry.
Read the full article.
Risky Business
Production at South Africa’s mines has suffered numerous setbacks. We assess the risks faced by Anglo American, one of the industry’s biggest producers.
Read the full article.
Drilling Deep
Carrying out specialist drilling in uncompromising environments is what Major Drilling knows all about. We ask the company’s president and CEO Francis McGuire about finding commodities in remote locations.
Read the full article.
Making a Difference
Sabine Anderson runs a mining company and sits on the advisory board of a women’s mining organisation. MINE asks her about gender equality and the lasting difference she hopes to make to the industry.
Read the full article.
Marikana Platinum Mine, South Africa
Marikana, located near Rustenburg in South Africa, is a producer of platinum group minerals and was commissioned in 2002 with an initial investment of R630m ($61m).
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Renard Diamond Project, Canada
The Renard Diamond project is located in east-central Quebec, Canada, within the Foxtrot property and owned by Stornoway.
Read the full article.
Next issue preview
Despite the broad variety of uses for platinum, investment in the precious metal has largely lagged behind gold. But as platinum prices are on the point of achieving parity with gold, we ask experts what investors and miners can expect for these two precious metals.
We also ask Anglo Gold Ashanti how it aims to revolutionise gold mining operations in South Africa with raise bore drilling and other projects. China is dominating the market for rare earth metals, but the US has plans to catch up with a $120m investment. We find out how resources around the world compare.
We also investigate Australia’s plans to expand the mining tax, and take a look at the Greek mining industry caught between environmental opposition, economic woes and a new ‘fast-track’ approval programme which could provide hope.
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