China has discovered its largest ever gold mine which early indications suggest may be worth $22bn. In a country that places a high cultural value on gold, we explore how such a vast influx could affect the country’s economy and industry as a whole.
Also making lucrative discoveries is Mali, which recently tripled its estimated bauxite reserves to 1.63 billion tonnes. Already holding a strong allure for gold miners, the country has come under fire for its allegedly unethical and environmentally damaging practices. We profile the current state of mining in Mali and what the future holds for the country. While in black gold, we examine US President Trump’s campaign to revive the ailing American coal industry, and the potential for success.
Plus, we consider whether sand mining can ever be green, investigate the impact of mining processes on new geological formations, and catch up with the latest International Collegiate Mining Competition.
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In this issue
Mining Mali
Mali’s Chamber of Mines recently announced that estimated bauxite reserves in the country had tripled following several new discoveries. This, combined with the country’s gold mining appeal, cannot offset allegations of extensive human rights abuses and unethical environmental practices. We profile the state of mining in Mali and the outlook for the future.
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A comeback for US coal?
The revival of the US coal mining sector is a strong focus of the Trump administration, but critics have questioned whether American coal mining can still compete on a global scale and support the same number of jobs as it has in the past. We take an in-depth look into the market.
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China’s gold record
Following news that China has discovered its largest ever gold mine, which is claimed to be worth $22bn, we take a look at the state of the vast gold mining industry in China and ask just how value the Chinese economy places on this most sought after of minerals?
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Can sand mining be green?
Sand mining has caused untold damage to a number of environments and habitats around the world, and this seems set to continue, as urbanisation drives the need for sand in construction and encourages illegal and unchecked mining. We investigate how damaging sand mining is and whether it can be made safe.
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The impact of mining on mineral formalisation
208 minerals and compounds owe their origins to mining, being formed in ore dumps, tunnel walls and waters, according to a recent report. We speak to co-author, Edward Grew of the University of Maine, about the geological impact of mining.
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Mucking around
The International Collegiate Mining Competition has been running since the early 1970s, giving mining students from around the world a chance to compete in light-hearted tests of traditional mining skills, and to build professional relationships. But how does it work?
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In the next issue
Before becoming the president of France, Emmanuel Macron served as the Minister of Industry and economic affairs where he signed off a number of mineral exploration projects in France. He has since said he plans to overhaul the country’s mining industry, to focus on progress both at home and abroad. What can we expect from this new presidency? We report in the next issue.
Around the regions, we take a look at efforts to meet the budget for South Australia’s Iron Road magnetite mine, find out if India can formalise mica mining to stamp out the dangers of illegal operations, and hear the crucial points to address during the inevitable transition to an automated mining industry.
Plus, we get an insight into De Beers’ approach to making its mines carbon neutral, and speak to the ICMM about current safety standards in the industry and how to help lower fatalities further.
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