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Of the different industries flourishing in Europe today, mining is not on the top of the list. But a new EU mining initiative is addressing this issue. We look into its potential and the challenges that lie ahead.
Australians have mixed opinions about uranium mining. While Queensland announced it would reinstate a ban, Western Australia’s government approved the first new uranium mine since the lifting of a ban in 2008. We investigate the controversial topic. Also in Australia, AMMA plans to improve organisations’ ‘gender diversity capability’, and we analyse proposed legislation changes that could drive investment and exploration, according to a NSW trade body for miners.
We also report on conflict in Peru over Southern Copper’s plans for Tia Maria mine, ask why Barclays – once the world’s biggest financier of mountaintop removal coal mining – has chosen to no longer finance the practice, and take a look at a new good practice guide to preventing and managing serious health and safety incidents in the industry.
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In this issue
Crossing the Line
Despite ongoing and often violent protests, Southern Copper believes its Tia Maria mine in Peru could start producing copper in early 2018. Adam Leach looks into the company’s plans and potential impacts of the project
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Reviving Europe
Can Europe revive its mining industry through more efficient and sustainable exploration of deposits deemed commercially unviable? Heidi Vella-Starr speaks to project managers of a new EU initiative to find out more.
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A Country Divided
While Queensland recently took the decision to reinstate a ban on uranium mining, Western Australia repealed a long-standing ban to kick-start the industry. Heidi Vella-Starr investigates the reason behind the states’ contradictory approaches to the issue.
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Making a Stand
Barclays, previously the world’s biggest financier of mountaintop removal coal mining, has chosen to no longer finance the practice. Gary Peters investigates the bank’s decision and the potential impact it will have on the industry.
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Capable of Diversity
Although some Australian resource organisations are punching above their weight for workforce diversity, national employment figures remain disappointing. Resource industry employer group AMMA discusses its plan to address this issue through a unique program improving organisations’ ‘gender diversity capability’.
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Under Control
Adam Leach takes a closer look at the International Council on Metals and Mining’s new good practice guide to preventing and managing serious health and safety incidents in the industry.
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A Call for Reform
A trade body for miners in New South Wales, Australia, has outlined policies it would like to see implemented to drive investment and exploration. Eoin Rothery of Thomson Resources tells Heidi Vella-Starr why reform is so badly needed.
Read the article.
Next issue preview
BHP Billiton spin-off South32 is gaining more recognition since its launch a few months ago. We cast our eyes towards the company’s future. Meanwhile, a small Western company has managed to gain a licence to mine one of Russia’s national treasures which hosts a potential 841,000 tons of nickel. We ask Amur Minerals how it achieved the seemingly impossible task of navigating the Russian licensing system.
We also learn how a new EU law similar to the US’s Dodd-Frank Act will affect businesses, investigate the impact of China scrapping its quota system limiting exports of rare earth minerals, and look into the ongoing controversy surrounding deepsea mining n the US. Moreover, we ask why the Australian Government has decided not to go ahead with an inquiry into claims that the world’s biggest iron ore miners are intentionally driving down prices to push their rivals out of the game.
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