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Facing opportunities to buy up assets from mining giants desperate to reduce debt, it’s those companies occupying the middle ground that seem best placed to take advantage of the industry. We ask how the gold mining downturn is affecting firms of different sizes.
It’s not only mid-cap firms that are finding today’s conditions favourable. Familiar names have returned to the industry, equipped with experience and private equity. We learn why the likes of Mick Davis and Hugh Morgan think 2015 is a year for deals.
We also trace the rise and fall of iron ore to find out whether junior miners are out of danger, ask how a hybrid or cloud-based IT strategy can help companies cut costs and learn how South Australia’s burgeoning mining sector is a cause for optimism against the backdrop of a lagging economy.
In Indonesia, we look at a former mine site that is being transformed into the country’s first-ever carbon absorption project, and we investigate the responsible development of Africa’s natural resources by speaking to author Tom Burgis.
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In this issue
Catching Up
South Australia’s economy has lagged behind the rest of the country but the state’s burgeoning mining sector is a cause for optimism. Chris Lo looks into government incentives and other recent activity offering possibilities for future growth.
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Just Right
According to Northern Star’s managing director, the company is "the goldilocks gold producer", occupying "that sweet spot in the middle". Where exactly is that sweet spot? Adam Leach investigates what size a company should be to succeed in today’s market.
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Cue the Comeback
With firms desperate to sell off assets in order to alleviate debts, Adam Leach looks at a new class of entrants who are ready to take advantage by mixing battle-hardened wisdom with the deep pockets of private equity.
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The Rise and Fall of Iron Ore
Iron ore prices plummeted until mid-April, leading to some small cap producers closing their mines. But now that prices are, overall, on the rise again, are junior miners out of danger? Elly Earls investigates.
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Making the Switch
Many mining companies are switching to cloud computing as providers offer solutions across a steadily growing list of applications. Abi Millar finds out how a hybrid or cloud-based IT strategy can help companies cut costs.
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Curing the Curse
Who is to blame for the ‘resource curse’ that plagues many African nations? Heidi Vella-Starr asks journalist and author Tom Burgis about mitigating corruption and ensuring responsible development of natural resources.
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Giving Back
In 2011, the Indonesian Government was given the task of transforming 443ha of revegetated land from a former mine site into a botanical garden and the country’s first-ever carbon absorption project. Gary Peters looks into the project’s challenges and potential benefits.
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