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As in a number of other industries, heads in mining have turned to the idea of harnessing electric power. Some miners have realised the benefits of electric vehicles, but is the industry ready to invest on a larger scale? We learn more from innovators in the field.
In South Africa, two companies are working together to use naturally occurring methane gas to power operations at Beatrix gold mine. At a time when energy demands continue to grow throughout the world, we find out how the mine is self-sourcing 2MW of the energy it requires.
Meanwhile in Canada junior mining companies are under pressure to improve their corporate social responsibility record in developing countries. We ask what needs to change for this to happen.
We also investigate recent trends in resource nationalism, find out if increasing interest in Australian gold will bring more M&A activity to the area, ask if copper is due for a turnaround and learn how the role of the CIO is changing along with growing IT requirements.
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In this issue
Sharing the Wealth
Resource nationalism means more than states demanding project ownership and levying heavy taxes on foreign companies. Chris Lo asks Dr Robert Besseling of IHS Economics & Country Risk about the recent shift towards local participation in Africa
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Digging for Deals Down Under
M&A activity in Australia hit a ten-year low last year, but with Australian gold expected to attract deals again in 2015, could this tentative atmosphere hide opportunities for investors looking to take advantage of low prices? Adam Leach investigates
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Great Expectations
Analysts remain bearish on copper in the short-term, but is the red metal due for a turnaround? Elly Earls looks into copper’s predicted future
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The Electric Alternative
With the mining industry constantly under pressure to improve its environmental performance, electric vehicles are beginning to gain favour. Ross Davies looks at some of the most exciting electric innovations and asks if companies are ready to invest on a larger scale
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Power from Within
Highly explosive methane gas can be a serious hazard during mining operations, but South African companies Sibanye Gold and Aggreko have found an innovative way of utilising the gas at Beatrix Gold Mine.
Abi Millar finds out more
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Working with Integrity
Canadian mining companies are under pressure to improve their corporate social responsibility record in developing countries. Heidi Vella-Starr asks Bonnie Lyn de Bartok of MacCormick International Mining Consultancy what needs to change
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Getting IT Right
The role of the CIO is changing as new technologies and big data are increasing the complexity of corporate IT services. Chris Mason, global industry practice lead for energy and resources at BT Global Services, tells us more about the future of the CIO
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Next issue preview
Following in the footsteps of Mick ‘The Miner’ Davis, former Western Mining Corporation CEO Hugh Morgan is also starting to put together his own fund to take advantage of the current buyer’s market. We investigate the opportunities open to these two seasoned insiders.
Looking to Australia, we ask about the cause and effects of the price drop in iron ore, and find out why the South Australian Government remains upbeat about mining in the region in the midst of mine closures and low worker morale. Casting our eyes further afield, we look into a project in Indonesia which is turning a former mining site into a botanical garden for tourists, and chat to Tom Burgis about his book on the impact of resource trade on African countries. Moreover, we learn how a smart IT strategy can reduce capital spending and find out at what size a mining company is ideally positioned to succeed in today’s market.
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