MINE | Issue 3 | September 2012

Whether it is reports of rare earth minerals in Afghanistan, copper in Zambia, coal in Ukraine or gold in Greenland, there are still immense reserves lying hidden in every corner of the globe. In the next issue we scan the planet to profile the most exciting untapped mineral deposits of each region.

As global demand for coal is expected to soar over the next 20 years, we explore new extraction technologies that will help the mining industry to meet that need, tapping both existing and less conventional sources. We also find out how intelligent visualisation software can increase productivity by revolutionising routine analysis techniques, and take a look at Planetary Resources’ ambitious quest to mine asteroids.

Moreover, we explore the environmental and infrastructure challenges surrounding Canada’s Ring of Fire, a proposed development to mine a massive chromite deposit in Ontario.

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In this issue

Hidden Treasures
There are still immense reserves lying hidden in every corner of the globe. We scan the planet to profile the most exciting untapped mineral deposits of each region.
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Africa’s New Coal Giant
Mozambique is poised to become one of the largest exporters of coal in the world. We review the market in the region and identifies key drivers.
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In Search of Coal
Coal is one of the cheapest and most reliable sources of energy, and as demand soars new technology will be crucial. With global demand for coal widely expected to rise over the next 20 years, we find out how a range of new technologies will help the coal mining industry meet that need – from both existing and less conventional sources.
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The Ring of Fire
A massive chromite deposit located in Canada’s ‘ring-of-fire’ could carry the steel industry for a century. The massive infrastructure project needed to the tap this resource however makes finding harmony between the local First Nation people and other relevant role players is a difficult prospect.
Read the full article.

Sampling Rocks in Hard Places
Intelligent visualisation and analysis software can increase productivity by revolutionising routine analysis techniques. MINE asks Jérôme Hummel, application engineer and mining specialist at VSG, about the value of visualisation and analysis, and about new options unveiled within the seventh version of the company’s Avizo Fire 3D visualisation software.
Read the full article.

The Age of Asteroid Mining
Planetary Resources is embarking on a quest to mine asteroids but, other firms have attempted to explore space for precious reserves before, without gaining a return on investment. What makes this project any different?
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Olympic Dam Copper-Uranium Mine
Olympic Dam is a huge mining centre located in South Australia and is home to a major oxide copper gold deposit.
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Olympic Dam Delay: The Industry Reacts
Global miner BHP Billiton has announced that it will delay its planned $20bn Olympic Dam expansion. As company profits fall for the first time in three years, mining-technology.com asks the experts if this could spell an end to the mining boom in Australia.
Read the full article.

Etango Uranium Project
The Etango uranium project, operated by Bannerman Mining Resources, is one of the largest undeveloped uranium mines in the world.
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Next issue preview

With the Earth’s remaining mineral deposits becoming scarce, the right sampling tools are essential. In the next issue we round up some of the industry’s most innovative technologies for finding deposits and judging their viability. We also find out why the keen noses of sniffer dogs are proving so successful at locating ore that even mining giants are taking notice.

As demand for copper grows and the number of high-grade mining sites quickly falls, we find out why mineral-munching microbes could be an unconventional but promising technique for metal mining in the future.

We also investigate why the deadly blast at Xiaojiawan mine in China has brought safety management back into the spotlight, find out how better security is opening up Latin America’s resources to international companies, and ask why a shortage of skills could spell the end for Australia’s mining boom.

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