MINE Issue 11

Health and safety is, and always has been, an integral issue in the mining industry. A new initiative to tackle health and safety in Australian mines has seen members of the Australian Paralympic team drawing miners’ attention to vital health and safety rules. In the latest issue of MINE we find out exactly why this unconventional campaign is proving effective.

Also, we look at the Upper Big Branch mine disaster, which resulted in several criminal convictions and ask is prison the best deterrent and can charges be brought against senior mining executives.

We also find out how new research into models for slope failure monitoring could help prevent landslides, and take a look at ExplorationFunder, an online marketplace that recently launched with the objective of connecting investors with natural resource companies to boost funding for early stage exploration.

Moreover, as gold prices remain low, we ask if the bubble is about to burst on this once rock-solid commodity and what impact it could have on gold mining operations. We also take a look at OceanaGold’s Didipio high grade gold-copper mine development in the Philippines.

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In this issue

Raising Awareness
Members of the Australian Paralympic committee are inspiring the mining workforce to take health and safety seriously. Heidi Vella finds out why this unconventional programme is showing positive effects.
Click here to read the full article.

The Search for Justice
The Upper Big Branch mine disaster, which resulted in several criminal convictions, raises questions for regulators attempting to prevent future disasters. Chris Lo asks if prison is the best deterrent, and if charges can be brought against senior mining executives.
Click here to read the full article.

Preventing Landslides
3D Laser Mapping has embarked upon a research project with Durham University to predict slope failures in mines. Sarah Blackman finds out how the technology could save lives.
Click here to read the full article.

Net Profits
Explorationfunder has launched the world’s first equity-based crowdfunding platform to connect accredited investors with cash-strapped junior mining firms. Julian Turner learns more from CEO Rob Leclerc and technical director Mike Page.
Click here to read the full article.

Losing the Midas Touch?
After a ten year bullish period, gold prices have plummeted, dropping around $700 from its peak price. Heidi Vella considers the potential impact on an industry already under pressure.
Click here to read the full article.

Didipio Gold-Copper Project
We take a look at OceanaGold’s Didipio high grade gold-copper mine development in the Philippines, which is forecasted to produce 71koz of gold and 15kt of copper over its projected 16-year lifespan.
Click here to read the full article.

Next issue preview

Mining may have traditionally been a man’s job, but today more and more women are joining the industry. Next month we talk to some of the most influential women in the business about their careers and about what can be done to encourage more women to pursue a career in mining.

The Wiluna project is the first uranium mine approved in Western Australia since a ban on uranium mining was lifted in the state in 2008. As Toro Energy’s $269m development goes ahead, and with similar projects set to follow, we ask what renewed uranium mining activity could do for the industry and Australia’s economy.

After years of being criticised as an environmental polluter, the industry is making headway on its path towards sustainability. From portable rigs to hybrid underground vehicles designed to improve air quality, we review the most innovative equipment that will reduce operational costs and ecological destruction, and improve efficiency.

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