MINE is back for another issue packed with industry news and analysis In this issue: we look at the impact international relations have on mining, the deepsea mining debate, how behavioural science can improve safety, and more.

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Minerals are the second largest export in Rwanda, and the government is seeking to capitalise on its resources wealth by encouraging foreign investment. Will such a move leave behind the artisanal miners who currently make up the majority of the workforce though?

In Peru, the contentious Tia Maria project continues to forge ahead, we take a look at the mega mine and the locals concerns. Elsewhere we see how political divisions can impact mining investments by talking to Casey Research. And two of our writers argue about the deepsea mining debate: is it a necessary industry for greening the world, or too risky to even be considered?

Gold is currently having its best run in years, going up 8% in June alone, we take a look at the factors behind this glittering run. Rare Earth Minerals are still in high demand thanks to their role in global electrification, we talk to the Rare Earth Industry Association about how the sector can create a sustainable future for the sector.

Finally, we take a look at using behavioural science to make mining safer, and the legacy of Chris Cline and the Foresight group in Illinois’s mining industry.

In this issue

Foreign investment or grassroots growth – the future of mining in Rwanda

Rwanda is trying to encourage foreign investment in the country’s mining industry, but policies threaten to leave behind the artisanal miners that make up the majority of the country’s workforce. Patrick Kingsland finds out about the future of mining in Rwanda.

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Tia Maria: inside the commodity versus community dilemma in Peru

The Peruvian Government’s decision to award a construction licence to Southern Copper Corp for its $1.4bn Tia Maria mine has led to protests from local communities – and reignited the debate around the impact of mining in the world’s second-largest copper-producing country. Julian Turner reports.

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Will the new Rare Earth Industry Association reshape the industry?

Said to be the most contentious of all the metals mined, the rare earth industry has never been so buoyant, but the challenges it faces are clear. Until now it has not had one global voice. Andrew Tunnicliffe talks with Gwendolyn Bailey, project associate at the recent launch of the Rare Earth Industry Association, to find out how that is set to change.

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A fractured world: how political divisions could impact mining investments

Mining is one of the industries most impacted by changes in international relations, with the disparity between the location of resources and the demand for minerals requiring countries to cooperate with one another to mine and produce commodities on a global scale. From trade wars to Brexit, JP Casey considers how international tensions could benefit or damage mining investments.

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The gold standard: what is behind bullion’s best run in years?

Gold prices remain steady after rallying by 8% in August against a backdrop of tensions between the US and China and fears over an economic recession. Julian Turner talks to Ross Strachan of Capital Economics about US interest rate policy, declining bond yields and how gold miners view the market.

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Can behavioural science create a safer mining industry?

A team of behavioural scientists spoke to thousands of people working in mining in order to identify factors that impact cultures around safety. Andrew Tunnicliffe spoke to Dr Emily Haas of NIOSH to found out how their research can improve communication, and ultimately save lives.

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Deepsea mining: the environmental debate

Is deepsea mining justified, and can it be made safe? A host of companies are pursuing ocean mining projects, and international criticism is now building against it, including from Greenpeace and UK wildlife personality Chris Packham. Molly Lempriere and JP Casey look into the environmental risks presented by seafloor mining and balance the two sides in this important debate.

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Mining Illinois: is it time up for coal mining?

The Illinois coal basin is one of the oldest and most productive in the US, but as the coal market continues to slump, and new mine closures are being announced, many are beginning to wonder, can the industry overcome this latest challenge? Heidi Vella investigates.

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Next issue preview

The crystal industry is growing fast, however concern is growing that the stones are being extracted in a way that is hugely damaging, with many extracted in countries where human rights abuses and child labour are common, or by companies known for their environmental damage. So, just how damaging is crystal mining, and who is leading the way in good practise?

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has released a framework concerning the production and distribution of cobalt, which aims to ensure it is produced without child labour or worker exploitation, we take a look at whether it could be successful. Elsewhere, groups are working to clean up the mining industries environmental footprint, including BHP partnering again with environmental group Conservation International, while others are embracing renewable power sources.

Finally, we take a look at Chilean state-owned miner Codelco’s Chuquicamata copper mines transformation, the IMP@CT project that is using a switch on-switch off solution to make smaller deposits more economic, and debate whether big tech companies should get involved in mining to clean up their supply chains.