Tata Steel has been granted a patent for a method to produce polymer-coated metal strips. The process involves laminating a thermoplastic polymer film, post-heating to adjust crystallinity, and using near-infrared spectroscopy to assess the film’s properties, ensuring quality control in a continuous coating line. GlobalData’s report on Tata Steel gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

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According to GlobalData’s company profile on Tata Steel, Extraction by leaching was a key innovation area identified from patents. Tata Steel's grant share as of June 2024 was 55%. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.

Method for producing polymer coated metal strips continuously

Source: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Credit: Tata Steel Ltd

The patent US12042959B2 outlines a method for producing a polymer-coated metal strip using a continuous coating line. The process begins with the provision of a metal strip and a thermoplastic polymer film, which is laminated onto at least one side of the metal strip. Following this, the laminated strip undergoes post-heating to a temperature that melts the polymer film, thereby reducing its orientation and crystallinity to a specified target value. The method incorporates in-line near-infrared (NIR) light illumination and back-scattering detection to analyze the polymer film's properties. By calculating a near-infrared spectrum from the back-scattered light and comparing it to a reference spectrum, the degree of crystallinity and molecular orientation is determined, resulting in a Conformity Index (CI) that quantifies these characteristics.

The claims further specify that the method can involve laminating polymer films on both sides of the metal strip and adjusting parameters such as post-heat set-point and line speed based on the CI results. The patent also details the types of metal strips applicable, including various forms of steel, and the nature of the thermoplastic polymer films, which can be single-layer or multilayer, uniaxially or biaxially oriented. The method emphasizes the importance of controlling the crystallinity of the polymer film, with a target value of no more than 10 wt.%. Additionally, the patent allows for the use of multiple NIR spectroscopy detectors to enhance the measurement accuracy across the strip's width, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of the polymer coating's properties.

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GlobalData Patent Analytics tracks bibliographic data, legal events data, point in time patent ownerships, and backward and forward citations from global patenting offices. Textual analysis and official patent classifications are used to group patents into key thematic areas and link them to specific companies across the world’s largest industries.