South Africa-based exploration company GoldStone Resources has completed a deep trenching programme on the Akrokerri licence in Ghana.  

The development is said to be the first step of the company’s previously announced pit definition programme. 

The objective of the trenching programme was to define the extent of the mineralisation in the near-surface oxide zone of the known deposit. 

In addition, it was aimed at expanding the company’s findings as part of its review of the historical database for the Homase and Akrokerri licences. 

Four trenches were dug to a depth of 7m within the southern part of the 2012 JORC Code compliant resource.

"It was identified that the trenches have a high potential for an initial open-pit for heap-leach production within the oxide zone."

It was identified that the trenches have a high potential for an initial open-pit for heap-leach production within the oxide zone.  

According to the company, the trenches resulted in economic intersections of up to 14m true width with grades of up to 4.5g/t of gold.

Based on the results, the company is expecting enhanced gold content in the upper oxide zone.

In addition, the trenching programme determined that the zones have the potential for free digging, which could result in reduced production costs.

The company is planning to undertake further trenching to assess the extent of the mineralised zone within the Akrokerri licence. 

Currently, a pit definition reverse circulation (RC) drilling programme is underway within the proposed pits.