Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)-listed Infinity Lithium’s San José Lithium Project in Spain has been designated as a project of regional and general interest by the Regional Government of Extremadura, earning it Premia status.

The awarding of Premia status to the project ensures that the next stages of the ECA are prioritised and expedited across all regional government departments involved in the assessment.

This comes after the stage one approval of a viable lithium resource at San José and the subsequent submission of stage two project documentation.

With the project now holding Premia status, the ECA documentation for the San José Lithium Project will be assessed using resources allocated to projects of distinction.

This status not only speeds up the permitting process but also grants expropriatory powers necessary for the development of access roads, power lines and supply pipelines.

The Government of Extremadura has also announced additional benefits of the Premia status, including potential subsidies for employment and the recognition of the project as being of public utility or social interest.

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Infinity Lithium managing director and CEO Ryan Parkin said: “The award of Premia status to San José highlights the exceptional standing of the project within a proactive government currently courting investment on downstream lithium-ion battery value chain initiatives.

“San José is a critical and strategically significant project for both Extremadura and the EU, and the foundation of regional ambitions through one of Europe’s largest lithium resources.

“The ability to fast track the permitting administrative processes is clearly beneficial and a major endorsement for the project.”